About Us
Today, with a strong membership of nearly 1400, PCMS carries on the important work that physicians so many years ago set out to accomplish. The Medical Society's work is member driven. The Medical Society's role in the community is greater than ever. A few examples of this work includes: Serving as physician representatives with the Tacoma Trauma Trust Operations Committee and Board of Directors Founders of Pierce County Project Access: Creation of a program for physicians and other medical providers that assists them in providing efficient and effective no-cost medical care to uninsured, low-income citizens in Pierce County Supporting Pierce County Nurse Leads to ensure the health and well-being of school students in the county Representing the physician perspective with the Pierce County Health Local Impact Network and the Medical-Dental Integration Working Group Engaging with the Tacoma Public Schools Health Careers Academy to support a health care career pipeline and establish a scholarship program PCMS Foundation: The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and exists to improve social determinants of health and the advancement of a sustainable health care workforce. The Foundation awards small grants each year to Pierce County non-profit organizations that address SDOH issues. We also respond to emergency requests. The majority of funding comes from our generous membership. Providing members with a variety of opportunities, such as the ability to keep in contact, stay informed and improve their profession, all with an eye to providing the best medical care available for their patients, is the role that PCMS aspires to as a professional organization.